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UBM v2.0 Command List


Player Stats Commands


Gives the player god mode - they cannot be damaged.


Unlocks the player's movement.


Makes the player invisible to NPCs.


Freezes the player's position, making it impossible to move or fall.


Allows the player to use the seeing tool at any point.


Toggles the player's ability to noclip.

playerspeed number /  "reset"

Sets the player's walk speed to a number or resets it.

playerjumpheight number /  "reset"

Sets the player's jump height to a number or resets it.


Unequips the currently used weapon.


Unequips all the weapons the player is holding if glitched.


Enables the bacon soup minigun when a bacon soup can is equipped.

Game Stats Commands

gravity number

Sets the value of the gravity force in the game. It is normally -9.81.

gamespeed number

Sets the speed of the game.

renderdistance number

Sets the render distance of the game

camera. Lower the value for better



Toggles post processing for the game camera. Turn off for better performance or to play with a beta chapter 3 look.


Toggles the grey scale effect that is normally unlocked after beating the game without dying and seeing all secret visions.


Toggles the vision effect.


Toggles dark mode similar to the chapter 3 dark hallways segment.

Save File Edit Commands


Saves the game progress anywhere at any point.


Starts the current chapter from the beginning while resetting the progress in the save file.

chapter number

Starts a chapter from the beginning while changing the current chapter in the save file.


Loads the appartment scene.

[2 last words spoken in game, redacted to prevent spoilers]

Marks the game as beat.

objective name

Changes the current objective in the save file and reloads the chapter to proceed from that point.

warp number name

Changes the current chapter and objective in the save file and loads the chapter to proceed from that point.

(Valid objective names: 

Chapter 1: items, theatre, jumpscare, basement;

Chapter 2: musicdepartment, musiccode, jackfain, ritual;

Chapter 3: heavenlytoys, butcher poster, alicelair, gearerrand, thickinkerrand, powercoreerrand, cutouterrand, butchergang, level14, ending;

Chapter 4: bridge, lostones, bendyland, researchanddesign, bertrum, maintenance, hauntedhouse;

Chapter 5: safehouse, barge, lostharbor, administration, beastbendy).

savefilebool name

Toggles a bool in the save file.

(Valid bool names:

Chapter 3: chosedevilspath, hastommygun, hasborisbone, isspeakeasycomplete, ishenryunlocked, usedaxe, isprojectionistkilled;

Chapter 4: hasplunger).

savefileint name number

Sets the value of an int variable in the save file.

(Valid int names:

Chapter 3: toy, liftfloor).


Sets the save file as no death and all visions complete and restarts the game.

Object Commands

nicknametarget nickname

Saves the target in the mod object list under a nickname for later use.

teleport "target" / "player" / nickname point / forward / up / right / player number 

Teleports the selected object to the player, a saved point or along a local axis to the value.

scale "target" / "player" / nickname xnumber (ynumber znumber)

Sets the selected object's scale to the number (use 3 for a non-proportional scale)

rotate "target" / nickname x / y / z angle

Rotates the selected object an amount of degrees around a local axis.

delete "target" / nickname

Destroys the selected object.

clone "target" / nickname (player) *number

Clones the selected object, optionally in front of the player, an amount of times.

rigidbody "target" / nickname

Toggles physics applying to the selected object.

collision "target" / nickname on / off

Disables or enabled the collision for the selected object.

addforce "target" / nickname number number number

Applies the selected amount of force on local axes to the selected object.

allybehaviorswitch "target" / nickname

Switches the selected ally's behavior from follow to attack and vice versa.

instakill "target" / nickname

Kills the selected enemy instantly.

passive "target" / nickname

Makes the selected NPC passive.

unlockdoor "target" / nickname / "all"

Unlocks the selected door(s).

opendoor "target" / nickname

Opens the selected regular door.

closedoor "target" / nickname

Closes the selected regular door.

openmechdoor "target" / nickname

Opens the selected non-standard door.

closemechdoor "target" / nickname

Closes the selected non-standard door.

Object Material Commands

color "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber rednumber greennumber bluenumber (alphanumber)

Changes the selected object's material(s) color to the selected one.

texture "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber filepath

Changes the selected object's material(s) texture to a selected one from the hard drive.

metallic "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber number

Changes the selected object's material(s) metallic value.

smoothness "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber number

Changes the selected object's material(s) smoothness value.

tiling "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber xnumber ynumber

Changes the selected object's material(s) tiling values.

emission "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber

Toggles the selected object's material(s) emission.

emissioncolor "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber rednumber greennumber bluenumber

Changes the selected object's material(s) emission color.

multiplyemissioncolor "target" / nickname "all" / materialnumber rednumber greennumber bluenumber

Multiplies the selected object's material(s) emission color (hdr).

Object Creation & Reskin Commands

spawn name *number

Spawns an NPC or weapon a number of times.

(Valid NPC names: inkbendy, lostone, lostoneweapon, projectionist, searcher, piper, striker, fisher, sammy, strongersearcher, minersearcher, beastbendy, bosssearcher, bruteboris, boris, allison, tom, sammysearcher;

Valid weapon names: axe, plunger, wrench, syringe, scythe, tommygun, baconsoup, gentpipe).

spawncustom bundlename objectname *number

Spawns an object from a bundle a number of times.

(Built-in bundle: objects;

Built-in object names: chair, barrel, crate, plank, cutout, plushie, bendystatue, oldinkmachine, ink, gianthand, borisdoll, alicecutout).

spawnreskinned npcname bundlename reskinname *number

Spawns an npc with a reskin from a bundle a number of times.

(Built-in bundle: reskins;

Built-in reskin names: betabendy (custscene compatible), betasammy, betaboris, betaprojectionist (custscene compatible)).

setreskin npcname bundlename reskinname

Sets the reskin to automatically reskin an npc into.

reskinweapon "target" / bundlename reskinname true / false

Reskins the current weapon into either the target or an object from a bundle (and clears the previous reskins).

(Built-in bundle: objects;

Built-in reskin names: hammer, dustpan, sword, pelletgun).

Note: weapon reskins are nicknamed "reskin" plus their numbers for later use.

become bundlename charactername

Become a playable character from a bundle.

(Built-in bundle: playable;

Built-in character names: inkbendy, boris, lostone, tom, allison, striker, piper, fisher, sammy, projectionist, beastbendy).

Inverted, additional and other commands


Toggles NPCs automatically getting reskinned to ones set.


Clears all the weapon reskins currently active.


Switches back to the default character in first person.


Sets a point to teleport to later.

undelete "all" / number

Undoes the deletion of the selected object(s).

sethotkey command keycodenumber

Sets a hotkey to execute the selected command. 

Note: put the command in quotation marks and press Left Control to input the keycode then press the desired key.

readtxt textfilepath (delaynumber)

Reads a text file from the hard drive with a delay between lines in the game subtitles.


Toggles log messages appearing as subtitles.

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